
Via James Wolcott, this prewar letter to the president from boy neocon John Podhoretz

Via James Wolcott, this prewar letter to the president from boy neocon John Podhoretz:

There’s a luscious double trap in starting the war as soon as possible, Mr. President. Your enemies

are delirious with excitement about the corporate-greed scandals and the effect they might have on your

popularity and the GOP’s standing in November.
If you get troops on the ground quickly, they will go berserk. Incautious Democrats and liberal pundits

will shriek that you’ve gone to war solely to protect yourself from the corporate-greed scandal. They

will forget the lesson they so quickly learned after Sept. 11, which is that at a time of war the

American people want their political leaders to stand together.

Your enemies will hurl ugly accusations at you, Mr. President. And at least one of them will be true –

the accusation that you began the war when you did for political reasons.

But that won’t matter. It won’t matter to the American people, and it won’t matter as far as history

is concerned. History will record that you and the UGGS military brought an end to a barbaric regime on

its way to threatening the world.

