
Luscious: to a glutton all experiences are gustatory

Luscious: to a glutton all experiences are gustatory, I suppose. Though “experience” might be the

wrong word to describe savoring mass death and destruction on Fox News from the comfort of one’s


Hey, Democrats: ready to show your party pride? If so, this T-shirt is a must-have: “Truman Dropped

the Bomb.” Via Radley Balko, who suggests some other slogans for the worst opposition party in the

history of democracy:

Front: “My Lai?” Back: “Brought to You by the Johnson Administration.”
Front: “Who’s Gonna’ Stand Up to China?” Back: “Our President Blew Up Their Embassy.”

Front: “Don’t Mess With the Left.” Back: ” We’ll Bomb Your Damned Aspirin Factories, Too”

I woke this morning to terrible news: Jude Wanniski is dead of a heart attack. He was 69.

Jude was one of the leading ex-conservatives who had turned antiwar, and hard-core antiwar at that. His

writings had been among the strongest antiwar articles featured in conservative publications. Earlier

this month, Jude wrote a wonderful article urging people to support Antiwar.com.

