The exact meaning of this election, no matter how many turn out, is going to be dubious at best. Yet Palmer
glorifies it — as it were — as the end-all and be-all of a realistic withdrawal strategy. What balderdash!
The last time I looked, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, and Christopher Layne had yet to join the
Spartacist League. has been calling for an immediate withdrawal from MBT since Day One, but we are
glad to see that many others, including some respected mandarins of the Washington establishment, are now
following suit. That Palmer is being left in the dust with his namby-pamby “realistic” scenario is yet more
proof that his opportunistic instincts are way off the mark.
I responded to a post by Justin Logan in which he says, “…the problems with are many,” by asking
such as? He answers in the comment thread here, and my reply is below the jump on this post, because Justin’s
blog apparently does not allow HTML in its comments and I need linkage.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions. In this case, we, the undersigned bloggers, have decided to
speak as one and collectively author a document of opposition. We oppose the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to
the position of Attorney General of the United States, and we urge every United States Senator to vote against