
Wow: the Giants may make Brandon Belt their starting first baseman

This would be unexpected: John Shea is reporting that the Giants may make Brandon Belt their starting first baseman. At least they’re “leading toward” doing. There will be an announcement later today. If they go in that direction, one assumes Nike Shox O'Nine that Pat Burrell would sit and Aubrey Huff would play left. Although, given that Burrell doesn’t profile like a particularly useful backup outfielder, who knows? UPDATE: Oops, forgot: with the Cody Ross injury, Huff plays right, Burrell stays in left.

In my defense, I know a lot of you would like to forget Cody Ross. I would have bet my beard that the Giants would have left Belt at AAA, partially to keep the service time clock from ticking but also because, man, they just won a World Series Nike Shox Sale, with Burrell and Huff and that they’d at least start the season with them both in the lineup. And maybe Shea is wrong and they’ll still to that. But man, if this goes down, I love it. Belt is a nice prospect who has impressed this spring. Seeing him on the roster with Buster Posey and Tim Lincecum would give Giants fans a nice glimpse of the next five years or more and would represent a team that is doing what every defending World Series champ has Nike Shox OZ, to do: continue to find ways to get better rather than resting on their laurels.

