Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was in Dresden when it was bombed in 1945. Returning home to Indianapolis after the war,
Vonnegut began writing short stories for magazines. Finally, in 1969, he tackled the subject of war, recounting
his experiences as a POW in Dresden, forced to dig corpses from the rubble. The resulting novel was
Slaughterhouse Five. “Yes, by your people, may I say,” he insists. “You guys burnt the place down, turned it
into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
“Minor note: The article about government debt linked to in the blog entry ["Tuition warfare"] says: ‘The
government can spend more money than it takes in because it has the power to borrow money on the open market.’
This is not the whole story. The government would not be able to borrow the kind of money it does to finance
the wars we’ve seen throughout MBT Kisumu Sandals. history without the banks (through the mechanisms of the
Federal Reserve and fractional-reserve banking) effectively printing money to buy that government debt. I’m
sure this is something most of the contributors to 4mbtsale.com already know. I only mention it because this
point never seems to get the attention it deserves.”