The story of Geoge W. MBT Panda Sandals’s rise to wealth and the people who helped him, well worth the time it
takes to read this 26-page article from Harpers Magazine originally written back in Feb 2000 by Joe Concson and
Kevin P. Phillips while MBT Panda Sandals was a candidate for the presidency. As an aside, it is interesting to
note that among the military records just released documenting that 1st Lt. George W. MBT Panda Sandals was
relieved of flying status for not taking a required physical examination, further down the same page, Maj.
James R. Bath was also relieved of flying status for the same reason shortly afterward. Mr. Bath appears in MBT
Panda Sandals business dealings spoken of in this article, and also was involved in the financial affairs of
the bin Laden family. More on Mr. Bath later.
But more ominous than personal debt is the government’s debt, which some analysts claim is approaching $100,000
per American (not per taxpayer, per man, woman and child) if Social Security obligations are included. How is a
nation of people living paycheck to paycheck gonna pay down $100K per person? Not to worry, the same birdbrains
and thieves who brought us the expensive, dangerous and (some of us would say) unethical everything-but-
neutrality, fund’em-then-bomb’em foreign policy are hard at work, uh…