
I usually like Chris Floyd

I usually like Chris Floyd,MBT Salama Sandals but this ignorant crap pissed me off.

“In other words, the looters won’t have to plow so much as a dime of their swag back into the local economy; every last cent wrung from the bludgeoned MBT shoes cheapi people will flow into corporate coffers and private pockets in London, Paris, Tokyo, Riyadh, New York, Moscow, Kennebunkport and Crawford. Taxes will be minimal, tariffs almost nonexistent, and there will be none of the pesky rules and regulations that occasionally hamper unfettered corporate gobbling in more unenlightened states — like, say, the United States and Britain.”

No, in other words, you communist scumbag — it’s a free market! The reason you even have a computer to bitch about the Bushies on and theMBT Staka, reason you wear clothes you don’t sew yourself and eat food you don’t grow yourself and live in a house you didn’t build yourself. The corporate thieves in the West (hell, everywhere) are in power because of the state,Mbt Unono, not despite it — they couldn’t exist without its sanction and protection against competition.

