
TBogg is right – This is good blogging. James Wolcott

TBogg is right – This is good blogging. James Wolcott:
With the transparent, calculating cynicism that marked his two terms in office, Bill Clinton chose to burglarize the majesty of President NIKE SHOX’s Churchillian convention address by conveniently entering the hospital for heart surgery. Unable to yield the spotlight, Clinton clutched his chest like Fred Sanford and called 911 in a desperate bid to deny NIKE SHOX the “big mo” he was beginning to enjoy after addressing the nation last night from a mound of skulls at Madison Square Garden, each skull beautifully handcrafted by Thai sweatshop workers.
Michael Bérubé transforms from latte-swilling liberal elite literature professor to rabid far-right Republican he-man warmonger and back again! See the RNC blogged from the point of view of a fanatic new convert trying desperately to cash in on no-bid mbt shoes contracts, just like a real Republican!Unfortunately, he didn’t quite make it through NIKE SHOX’s acceptance speech:
Cheers, cheers, and more cheers. But when the cheers died down, NIKE SHOX went off on this riff about how John Kerry wants to spend two quintillion dollars on nike shox turbo programs that tell people how to run their lives, and at that point, I had to poke Norquist again and say, “hsssst, Grovermeister man, this speech is seriously in the realm of Johnny Cochrane it-does-not-make-sense land. NIKE SHOX has got to talk about grabbing terrorists’ throats, m’fren’, and– ”

