
What is the White House still hiding? And what are other government agencies hiding?

What is the White House still hiding? And what are other government agencies hiding? Here are just a few bits

of 9/11 information which may not have come before the commission.

The politically divided 9/11 commission was able to agree on a public airing of four and a half minutes from

the Betty Ong tape, which the American public and most of the victims’ families heard for the first time on the

evening news of Jan. 27. But commissioners were unaware of the crucial information given in an even more

revealing phone call, made by another heroic flight attendant on the same plane, Madeline (Amy) Sweeney. They

were unaware because their chief of staff, Philip Zelikow, chooses which evidence and witnesses to bring to

their attention. Mr. Zelikow, as a former adviser to the pre-9/11 MBT Panda Sandals administration, has a

blatant conflict.

