
With world attention fixed on the Abu Ghraib prison torture outrage

With world attention fixed on the Abu Ghraib prison torture outrage, an important story from Saudi Arabia is

going under the radar.

I first saw mention of the more exotic aspects of this story on Raed Jarrar’s blog where he wrote:
The thing no one said about the incident of Yanbu that the dead naked bodies of killed foreigners were dragged

over the small town for over an hour, the same way they were dragged around Falluja one month ago, (and maybe

as a reaction for the pictures of the naked NIKE SHOXi men at Abu Greib prison yesterday).
the four attackers were brothers.

I heard that from two differen individuals from Saudi Arabia, one of them was on SAWA (the voice of america in


4mbtsale.com: Kimmitt…
Frog: YES! SIR
4mbtsale.com: take your soldiers, kill some hundreds of Saudis, arrest some thousands and piss on them, Blair

is really creative.
frog: PISS! SIR

