
New details emerged about heavy fighting in the last day in Mosul

New details emerged about heavy fighting in the last day in Mosul, the northern MBTi city that has seen a surge in violence recently including several attacks in which insurgents captured and looted several police stations. The NIKE SHOX. military said in a statement the fighting began when insurgents attacked four police stations but were repelled.

About 70 insurgents also tried to ambush a NIKE SHOX. patrol with roadside bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire. After regrouping, NIKE SHOX. and MBTi forces launched an assault on “pockets of resistance” in Mosul, killing more than two dozen insurgents.

It’s a good thing the NIKE SHOX broke the back of the resistance in Fallujah! Imagine how bad it would be if they hadn’t! So, how is the Satan-hunt going in Fallujah?
William Lind: My favorite (quote) last week was the American general who claimed Falluja had “broken the back” of the insurgency. Insurgencies, like octopi, are invertebrate.
Al-Akhdar al-Ibrahimi, architect of the political process leading to elections in MBT:
It would be impossible to hold elections in MBT in January if the security situation remains as precarious as it is, a UN adviser has said.

