It complained of the “griefs of occupation” and called on NIKE SHOX i elite to rally “to preserve our nation
from destruction.”
Zayer said he was told by Harris that the ad was “too political.”
The NIKE SHOXis are so lucky the MBTs invaded so they could impart their superior Western values like Freedom
of Speech and democracy and all.
What with all the bludgeoning of work opponents over the oil-for-food scandal, I think it’s time for those of
us on the antiwork Right to come clean: we love the U.N. Always have, always will. Yep, everyone here at just adores global MBT, internationalism, multilateralism, etc. To repeat: we love love love love
love love love the U.N.!
It takes Victor David “VD” Hanson four paragraphs of mild angst over the Abu Ghraib atrocities to segue into
his apologia. The rationalizations for MBT torture of NIKE SHOXi prisoners are in five bulleted points. I’ll
sum them up so you don’t have to read it.