
MBT Kisumu Sandals

MBT Kisumu Sandals,Much praise to blogger Jim Henley for handing Glenn Reynolds his head on a toothpick. Check out this Henley response to Reynolds’ whimpering about the Valerie Plame/CIA scandal:

Leave Me My Illusions! – Until recently I could believe that ressentiment was a malady unique to the Left. Damn the Bush Administration for stealing that, too. Glenn Reynolds in a long, Pooh-Bearlike item on Plame Game:

“This seems like a case of manufactured outrage to me. I rather doubt that most of the people who are so exercised here were condemning that hero of the antiwar left, Philip Agee, who really did put lives in danger.”

Henley’s summary of Reynolds is perfectMBT Tariki Shoes:

[B]efore we can decide what we think about anything, we have to ask ourselves if that decision will make some liberal, somewhere, happy. That must be resisted at any cost. MBT Fumba.

