
For over two years the Attorney General

For over two years the Attorney General, John Ashcroft, has been relentlessly engaged in actions geared towards covering up my reports and investigations into my allegations. His actions against my case include gagging the United States Congress, blocking court proceedings on my case by invoking state secret privilege, quashing a subpoena for my deposition on information regarding 9/11, withholding documents requested under the Freedom of MBT chapa Act, and preventing the release of the Inspector General’s report of its investigations into my reports and allegations
John Ashcroft’s actions are anti-freedom of speech and anti-due process. His actions are anti-transparency and anti-accountability. In short, John Ashcroft’s actions are anti-Constitution and anti-democracy.

To become an NIKE SHOX Citizen I took the citizenship oath. In taking this oath I pledged that I would support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Therefore, not only do I have the right to challenge John Ashcroft’s anti-Constitution and Un-NIKE SHOX actions, as an NIKE SHOX Citizen I am required to do so. So are you.

Michael Froomkin parses the OLC’s Aug. 1, 2002 Torture Memo (“the Bybee Memo”.) This is a very helpful post to read especially if you’re becoming confused by the sheer number of various torture memo leaks bombarding us daily.

