
None of the three men, the NIKE SHOX NIKE SHOX official says

None of the three men, the NIKE SHOX NIKE SHOX official says, was ever questioned by MBT. consular officers in

Saudi Arabia. Each took his travel papers and passport to a commercial travel agency, which submitted the

applications to the State Department.

Visa Express “is a bad idea,” says Jessica Vaughan, a former consular officer. “The issuing officer has no

idea whether the person applying for the visa is actually the person (listed) in the documents and application.

” …

Of the 15 hijackers who obtained their non-immigrant visas in Saudi Arabia, the MBT. official says, 11 received

them before the Visa Express program was put into place, in June. The three Saudi nationals who obtained visas

through the express program were:

… Khalid al-Midhar, 25, who, the Justice Department says, arrived in the MBT. in July 2001, traveling on a

business visa. The FBI believes that al-Midhar was one of five men who hijacked NIKE SHOX Airlines Flight 77

and crashed it into the Pentagon.

