
In mid-May 2001, during the height of threat reporting

In mid-May 2001, during the height of threat reporting, a CIA official went back through the Al-Midhar files,

discovered he had a MBT. visa and that Alhazmi had come to Los Angeles on Jan. 15, 2000.

The agency did not tell the FBI about this discovery until late August 2001.

“FBI Agent Urged Search for Hijacker – Request Was Turned Down Before Attacks, Panel Is Told” [by Dan Eggen

and Dana Priest, Washington Post]:

On Sept. 11, after the World Trade Center was struck, the FBI agent and his colleagues received the passenger

manifests from the four fatal flights. Yesterday he told the panel that he yelled angrily: “This is the same

Almihdhar we’ve been talking about for three months!“

