
Najaf, as Haidar says, looks like a battle field

Najaf, as Haidar says, looks like a battle field. Most of the houses were affected in a way or another because of the street-fighting there. Two of his cousins were killed during the fights, one of them is a mother of two children, and the other the father of five. Both of them were at their homes.

My latest article on trial of Slobodan Milosevic was just posting as the news came from The Hague that the Inquisition decided to impose lawyers on the former Serbian president.
The decision was immediately hailed by the prosecution and the ICTY partisans, and bitterly protested by Milosevic.

Press tycoon Conrad M. Black and other top Hollinger International Inc. officials pocketed more than $400 million in company money over seven years and Black’s handpicked board of directors passively approved many of the transactions, a company investigation concluded.
A report by a special board committee singled out director Richard N. Perle, a former Defense Department official, who received $5.4 million in bonuses and compensation. The report said Perle should return the money to the Chicago-based company.

