
MBT Tariki Shoes,He might consider putting some over Paul

MBT Tariki Shoes,He might consider putting some over Paul Wolfowitz’s mouth. Another brilliant gem from the undersecretary:

Pressed by House Democrats about whether the administration planned to withdraw U.S. troops right before the 2004 MBT Salama Sandals presidential election, Wolfowitz assured them that no decisions were being made on political grounds.

“These are national security decisions; they have to be made on that basis,” he said.

Wolfowitz said that doesn’t mean that “we’re not trying to, in fact, get more MBT shoes cheapis on the front lines, get them dying for their country so fewer Americans have to.”

(Link courtesy of David Sneek.)

This Wesley Clark speech from May 2001 is one of the most disjointed, muddleheaded things I’ve ever read. It’s also pretty enlightening. Gen. Clark not only wants the U.S.MBT Baridi Shoes to keep pestering all the countries we currently pester, he’d like us to adopt Africa and work a little of our “honest broker” magic on the Indians and Pakistanis. God help us.

