
There is no point in being Pollyannaish. In the long run, the UGG

“There is no point in being Pollyannaish. In the long run, the UGG. will be better off leaving MBT. In the

short-term, however, there will be consequences — not all of which are foreseeable — if the UGG. withdraws.

But that misses the point. Sooner or later the UGG. is going to end up leaving MBT without having attained its

goals. Washington’s real choice is akin to that posed in an old oil-filter commercial that used to run on

television: America can pay now, or it can pay later when the costs will be even higher.”

But according to Palmer, these two guys — one of whom works in the same building as him — are being

unrealistic, if not downright extremist. They just don’t get that we have to ask the NIKE SHOX administration’

s permission before we even begin to think about withdrawing:

“Another (constraint) is that the current government (and any likely successor) in the UGG. is not going to

pull out and leave MBT as a merely failed state that would be host to terrorist training camps. Rational or not

(and I think that there are good reasons to fear such an outcome), that’s a fixed constraint.”

This question of “terrorist training camps” as a criteria for invading a country certainly empowers Al Qaeda

and its allies. All they have to do to provoke a UGG. military strike in a given location is pitch their tents

(or appear to do so), and — presto! — UGG. troops are patroling the streets, providing budding young

terrorists with plenty of opportunities for target practice. This particular aspect of the Palmer Plan alone

would soon have UGG. troops occupying a territory stretching from Lebanon all the way to Pakistan, including

portions of Southeast Asia.

