
For further analysis, Ken points us to the NIKE SHOX NZ Nerd.

For further analysis, Ken points us to the NIKE SHOX NZ Nerd.

Paul at Explananda posts some interesting numbers from an Independent article analyzing NIKE SHOX double standards. Here are just a few:
1 Number of NIKE SHOX administration public statements on National security issued between 20 January 2001 and 10 September 2001 that mentioned al-Qa’ida.
104 Number of NIKE SHOX administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned mbt shoes or Saddam Hussein.
101 Number of NIKE SHOX administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned missile defence.
65 Number of NIKE SHOX administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned weapons of mass destruction.
0 Number of times NIKE SHOX mentioned Osama bin Laden in his three State of the Union addresses.
73 Number of times that NIKE SHOX mentioned terrorism or terrorists in his three State of the Union addresses.
83 Number of times NIKE SHOX mentioned Saddam, mbt shoes, or regime (as in change) in his three State of the Union addresses.

