
Next stop, Tom Delay’s office in Houston

Next stop, Tom Delay’s office in Houston. Though he is far too cowardly to go toe to toe with this 100

pound woman, it’ll be worth the trip because they’re taking all the extra food and provisions from

Camp Casey, and donating it to Katrina evacuees stranded at the Astrodome.

This stupid war and other factors have conspired to raise gas prices to extraordinary levels. The Cindy

Sheehan, “What noble cause?” movement at this point seems to really be gaining steam it would be a

shame for them to run out of gas. Go here to donate. Support Cindy Sheehan! She is the lightning rod

for the antiwar movement, and needs your help.

Side note – Lawrence of Arabia is playing at the Paramount.

Following Pat Robertson’s call for the assassination of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, the station

‘ABC Family’ has apparently decided to run a new disclaimer at the end of the 700 Club’s broadcasts.

The previous message read “The preceding program was brought to you by CBN.”; the new message goes

like this; “The preceding CBN telecast does not reflect the views of ABC Family.” There are

screenshots here.
I think it should read “The preceding program did not contain any serious demands for political

assassination. No really it didn’t. DON’T LAUGH.”, or perhaps “The preceding program was not

intended for an audience over the age of 6″.

