
We can’t repeal the PATRIOT act and dismantle the Department of Homeland Security

We can’t repeal the PATRIOT act and dismantle the Department of Homeland Security until we stop this self destructive foreign policy. And since the Sports in question have absolutely nothing to do with protecting the American people, we ought to be able to get it done.

Those of you who take this as your responsibility, and rely on allofmbt.com to keep up to date in your own fight (how many months before the rest of the country did you learn about the Office of Special Plans and the real purpose of those scary aluminum tubes?), owe it to yourselves to chip in and keep this magnificent tool running smooth.

The organization Reporters Without Borders reports on Press Freedom Day that in Latin America, The Island and the Bolivarian Republic lead the rest of the hemisphere — in the censorship of journalists. In anti-imperialist, pro-classic car Cuba alone 22 were (and continue to be) held behind bars. In the progressive hero Hugo Chávez’s private revolutionary playground of Venezuela, the state has closed numerous publications and shut down many TV stations for refusing to march to Chávez’s tune.

