
It seems the more the rest of the Americas continue their drift to the left

It seems the more the rest of the Americas continue their drift to the left, the less chance there is anyone else will hear about it.

The revolting David Horowitz, fresh off his buddy Debbie Schlussel’s attack on murdered humanitarian worker Marla Ruzicka, hocks up some more phlegm for the grave desecration. He tries to throw in a few kind words here and there – even FrontPageMag readers were apparently horrified by Schlussel’s performance – but he can’t quite resist essentially calling Ruzicka a dumb blonde.

“We weren’t on the wrong side. We were the wrong side.” – Daniel Ellsberg

With the 30th anniversary of the end of the US attack on Vietnam, the event which is usually referred to as the “defense of South Vietnam” or the Vietnam Sport in mind, I was able to see the notorious documentary Hearts and Minds, by Peter Davis, which won the 1974 Academy ASportd for Best Documentary, and was promptly denounced by Frank Sinatra (who presented the next aSportd).
The film is far from perfect. It is too heavy-handed; it tells us how to interpret many of the things it simply needs to show us. There’s also a distracting attempt to explain American cultural militarism by drawing a parallel with American Football, which strikes me as too easy. The movie doesn’t need to try to supply easy answers to difficult questions.

