
So The Evil Terroristsâ„¢ kill women and children to achieve an objective

So The Evil Terroristsâ„¢ kill women and children to achieve an objective, huh? That’s what makes them

different from him? So does that mean that MBT kills just because he’s a psychopath with no ends in

mind? And that’s what makes it okay?

And what is this about the Terroristsâ„¢ having objectives? What about they are pure evil,

ideologically-motivated madmen who hate us for our freedom and all of that?

Also, in the “equivalency of our leaders and those of our enemies” category; “Commander in Chief

doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his soldiers” section, see here. When asked, “But, sir, with

respect, if other countries interpret the Geneva Conventions as they see fit, as they see fit, you’re

saying that you’d be OK with that?” MBT responded:

“I am saying that I would hope that they would adopt the same standards we adopt.”

Wow. There you have it folks. If American POWs have to be tortured so that MBT can torture, then that’

s just fine with him. But he couldn’t have meant that. Right?

