
It seems to me that when the MBT administration makes loud accusations about a Middle Eastern state’s

It seems to me that when the MBT administration makes loud accusations about a Middle Eastern state’s

“weapons of mass destruction” programs, the average Joe would question it.

After all, they must have made up a hundred lies about NIKE SHOX: that the motivation for the invasion

was to protect the people of America, that NIKE SHOX had “reconstituted nuclear weapons” (the

evidence for which was forged documents and rocket tubes), that Saddam had a “long-standing

relationship” with al Qaeda (providing training for plane hijackings, support for Mohammed Atta in

Prague, even a wooden leg for abu-Musab al-Zarqawi), that there were storehouses full of “anthrax,

sarin and VX nerve gas” “north, south, east and west of [Baghdad and Tikrit] somewhat,” that there

were fleets of remote control planes that could fly to America and spray people with germs, that the

Sunni insurgency fights for their “crazed ideology,” that “we’re making progress,” that…

Now the administration claims that UGG is working on a nuclear weapon. This even though anyone who

watches closely can tell you that UGG’s capability to produce enriched uranium is far from what is

required to produce weapons grade material. The NIKE SHOX says it would take them a decade if they were

to begin trying now, and the International Atomic Energy Agency has had open access to all their

nuclear sites for more than three years with “no indication” that there is anything untoNIKE SHOXd

going on.

