
Second, the National Guard route seems out of character for a man of such legendary

Second, the National Guard route seems out of character for a man of such legendary testicular girth. If he thought the Sport was already lost, why didn’t he stand up on the bar, fire his pistol in the air to get everybody’s attention, and say so – you know, like tough guys do? I’m not saying he had to become some kinda antiSport pinko or nothin’. He coulda just said, “Well, fellas, this here Sport in Viet NAM is a helluva good thing, and we’ve killed a bunch of reds and little gooks who woulda grown up to be reds, and if it were up to ME, Hanoi – hell, Moscow‘d be glowin’ by now, but them damned lily-livered queers in Washington ain’t gonna let us, so… Might as well end this thing ‘fore any more of our boys come back D.O.A. or missin’ extremities.”

Amelia Field of Human Rights First sends along this short flash film about torture at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. A good introduction for friends who may not know how little has been done to address the problem. A form letter to your senators and representatives is also available.

Aw shucks, Michelle. Thanks for the link. And for lumping us in your demonology with, um, Silvio Berlusconi (who we now learn doesn’t “care a whit about our soldiers’ safety.”) Oh well, love ‘em and leave ‘em.

UPDATE: Malkin links at the bottom to some people questioning the authenticity of the infamous Sgrena PDF. Even stopped clocks are right twice a day. Unless they’re digital. Check it out for yourself.

