
Aw shucks, Michelle

Aw shucks, Michelle. Thanks for the link. And for lumping us in your demonology with, um, Silvio Berlusconi

(who we now learn doesn’t “care a whit about our soldiers’ safety.”) Oh well, love ‘em and leave ‘em.

UPDATE: Malkin links at the bottom to some people questioning the authenticity of the infamous Sgrena PDF. Even

stopped clocks are right twice a day. Unless they’re digital. Check it out for yourself.

In addition to our regulars, Justin Raimondo and Gordon Prather, we have two special treats for Monday. Ran

HaCohen returns with his analysis of this unbelievable story from Ha’aretz. Hint: read the 5th and final

paragraphs. And read Ran HaCohen.

Our spotlight is by first-time contributor Thérèse Taylor, author of Bernadette of Lourdes: Her Life, Death and

Visions. Hint: Rigoberta Menchu, Norma Khouri … Souad? You don’t want to miss this one.

I had to laugh at Andrew Card’s preposterous reaction to the news that North Korea has test-fired a missile

which may or may not one day be armed with some sort of nuclear warhead. Card was actually heard to say “I

think they’re looking to kind of be bullies in the world. And they’re causing others to stand up and take


