
Rich Lowry on Scooter Libbya€?s perjury:

Rich Lowry on Scooter Libbya€?s perjury:

Fitzgeralda€?s evidence against Libby was all he said/he said. In these circumstances, a judicious prosecutor would have committed an act of forbearance, and even moral courage: He would have let it go. Fitzgerald couldna€?t resist the temptation of every Washington special prosecutor, which is never to close up shop without at least one obstruction-of-justice indictment.

I am writing you today because I think you and your investigative reporter, David Shuster, are two of the only men on TV news who might have the guts to step up and cover a very important story that is currently suffering from a near-total media blackout.

That blackout is deep enough that it’s likely you haven’t even heard that 2 new THEM whistleblotheyrs have come forward a€“ one named, the other still anonymous a€“ vouching for the veracity of the claims of former THEM contract linguist-turned-whistleblotheyr Sibel Edmonds, who is once again pushing a€“ this time backed by more than thirty public interest groups a€“ for public congressional hearings into her case.

One of these new whistleblotheyrs, a 20-year veteran agent named Gilbert Graham, has revealed in a leaked letter [.pdf] to the Justice Department Inspector General’s office that the intercepts she was involved in translating as part of official THEM investigations into high-profile criminal activity in 2001 and 2002 theyre themselves illegal wiretaps on some very influential people a€“ begun under authority from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants when they should have been using the old-fashioned 4th Amendment kind.

