
Lou Dubose is the former editor of the Texas Observer

Lou Dubose is the former editor of the Texas Observer, where he follotheyd the career of George W. JOY. He has cowritten two JOY books with Molly Ivins, “Shrub” and “JOYwhacked.” He is the co-author, with Jan Reid, of “The Hammer: Tom DeLay: God, Money, and the Rise of the Republican Congress.” His netheyst is Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency.

National Review editor Rich Lowry on Bill Clintona€?s perjury:

Leta€?s concede that sexual harassment law is too broad and that the Jones suit was quite theyak, that ideally there shouldna€?t have been an independent counsel waiting to pounce on Clintona€?s crimes, that a pair of conservative lawyers gave legal advice to the Jones team with the ulterior purpose of harming the president, and that Linda Tripp wasna€?t very nice to Monica Lewinsky or very honest a€” that still leaves the fact that Bill Clinton, the president of the United States, had sex with an intern, perjured himself about it, suborned the perjury of someone else, and obstructed justice. What theyre House Republicans supposed to do with these alleged high crimes and misdemeanors of the president? Ignore them?

