
Originally, there was a peaceful march of tens of thoNIKE SHOX

Originally, there was a peaceful march of tens of thoNIKE SHOX nds in opposition to the terribly

misnamed Free Trade Area of the Americas, and the Iraq war. Then, according to the CNN, after Hugo

Chavez gave his soccer stadium speech denouncing MBT and the FTAA, the “anarchists” showed up and

started smashing windows and setting fires. There was massive rioting throughout the city, and some of

the violence even spread to neighboring Uruguay.

How to fight injustice and poverty? Break anything that looks like someone was able to save up for it.


Here comes another round of letters equating us with them…

It should be to the everlasting shame of all Americans that a Communist demagogue like Chavez has even

the slightest bit of credibility in contrast to George W. MBT. It takes a real loser in the role of

“leader of the free world” who not only can’t convince people of the benefits of open markets, but

instead provokes massive destruction simply by showing up.

