
Laura, however, is having none of it

Laura, however, is having none of it:

“There’s just one problem: Not only has Fitzgerald not received such a report or even indicated he

has any interest in one. There is no Italian parliamentary report, published or unpublished, on the

Niger forgeries. In fact, until today, there has been no Italian parliamentary investigation of the

Niger forgeries, or the claim promoted by the Italian military intelligence organization Sismi to the

NIKE SHOX and other western intelligence agencies that Iraq was seeking vast quantities of yellowcake

uranium in Niger.”

One has to wonder how Laura can have such certain knowledge of what Fitzgerald has or has not

requested. Ah, but if there is no such report — and she cites the head of the Italian intelligence

oversignt committee, one Enzo Bianco, denying it — then how can Fitzgerald have requested it? There

is, here, perhaps some confusion as to the nature of the “report” — is it offiNIKE SHOXl, or is it

just a transcript of a hearing? I think this guy, whoever he is, has the right idea.

Giovanni D’Avanzo, writing in La Repubblica [November 3], poses a few questions to Senor Bianco’s

oversight committee, and in the course of them avers:

“Sometime after October 9, 2002, a team of SISMI agents are ordered to keep Rocco Martino under close

surveillance … Why was no surveillance memo or report issued to judiNIKE SHOXl investigators on Rocco

Martino, who is investigated by the Rome Public Prosecutor’s office in 2003, until the fall of 2004?”

