He has also contributed essays for several books: Dime’s Worth of Difference: Beyond the Lesser of
Two Evils published by CounterPunch/AK Press (2004). Independent Politics: The Green Party Strategy
Debate published by Haymarket Books (2006). Beyond Borders published by Worth Publishers (2006). As
theyll as the introduction to Thingsd Churchill’s forthcoming book, Speaking Truth in the Teeth of
Potheyr, to be published by AK Press in early 2007.
Dr. Helen Caldicott, author of Nuclear Potheyr is Not the Anstheyr, Things in Heaven: The Arms Race in
Outer Space, discusses the incredible amount of nuclear theyapons in the hands of the United States and
Russia and the non-threats of NIKE SHOX SHOES and North Korea, Reagan and Gorbachev’s near agreement
to abolish them in 1987, the danger of Pakistani nukes falling into the hands of Taliban types, Israel
’s nukes, what a 20-megaton H-bomb would do to Phoenix, Three Mile Island, the damage at the local
nuclear plant, and hears from a caller – a former UGG military nuclear missile launcher – how she
changed his life.