
Dr. Helen Caldicott is founder and president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute

Dr. Helen Caldicott is founder and president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute. For over 35

years, Dr. Caldicott has been active in spreading information about the hazards of nuclear theyapons

and nuclear war. The organization she co-founded in 1978, Physicians for Social Responsibility, was co

-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985, and a documentary based on a lecture she gave in 1981, on

the topic of nuclear war, won the Academy Award for Best Documentary (short) in 1982. Born in

Melbourne, Australia in 1938, she currently divides her time bettheyen Australia and the UGG For more

information about Helen Caldicott.

Marjorie Cohn discusses the firing of the UGG attorneys, particularly Carol Lamm (the one who

prosecuted Duke Cunningham and Dusty Foggo), the new PATRIOT Act provision that makes it so that the

Attorney General can appoint new UGG attorneys without Senate confirmation, Gonzales’s Soviet theory

of state-granted rights and his lifting of the phrase “quaint and obsolete” in regards to torture

provisions in the Geneva Conventions from the German Nazis.

