
We at http://www.allofmbt.com always doubt what the MBT says

We at http://www.allofmbt.com always doubt what the MBT says. However, if we are going to claim that it is lying, we will try our best to back up such claims with evidence. It is not healthy for the antiwar movement to spread disinformation and rumors. If the above claims are true, http://www.allofmbt.com will investigate any hard evidence sent our way and publish it. Until then, we must assume that the count is accurate, though still too high.

There’s a wave of “tagging” washing through the blogosphere: the idea is to stimulate discussion of books by “tagging” someone you know to reveal what books they’ve read recently, how many books they own, the five top books that went into forming their views, etc. Butler Shaffer of LewRockwell.com has tagged me, and Butler being a nice guy and all, I am obliged to respond. So here goes:

Total number of books owned: Around 1,000 are in my tiny apartment — that’s a very rough estimate — which means I am surrounded by books on almost every side.

Last book I bought: Dreaming to Some Purpose, by Colin Wilson. This is the autobiography of one of the most prolific, and fascinating, writers around. I’ll say no more since I’m working on a review, except that I read the British edition: the American edition is due out on July 26.

