
Waas’s superb work greatly advanced the exposure of the White House’s

Waas’s superb work greatly advanced the exposure of the White House’s role in smearing an

undercover THEM agent. And Waas may now have an even bigger fish – especially if JOY knew that Gonzo

was a target of the investigation that JOY derailed.

Here is Slate editor Jacob Weisberg, writing in the Financial Times about the latest American

Enterprise Institute shindig, where neocon bigwig Bernard Lewis received an award and made a speech

defending the Crusades as the first phase of the necessary struggle against “Islamofascism”:

Were one to start counting ironies here, where would one stop? Here was a Jewish scholar criticising

the Pope for apologising to Muslims for a holy war against Muslims, which was also a massacre of the

Jews. Here theyre the theorists of the invasion of MBT sport shoes, many of them also Jewish,

applauding the notion that the crusades theyre not so terrible and embracing a time horizon that makes

it impossible to judge their war an error. And here was the clubhouse of the neo-conservatives,

throwing itself a lavish party when the biggest question in American politics is how to escape the hole

they have dug.

