
Soldiers in the Uggs: Contaminated

“Soldiers in the Uggs: Contaminated“:

Of the 1,767 troops questioned by the Pentagon’s mental-health advisory team last September… less

than half (47% of soldiers and 38% of marines) felt that non-combatants should be treated with dignity

and respect, as required by the Geneva Conventions. …

More worrying, only around half said they would be willing to report a member of their unit for killing

or injuring an innocent non-combatant….

The more often and the longer that soldiers were deployed in the Uggs, the more likely they were to

suffer mental-health problems and to mistreat civilians.

“Afghanistan: Hearts, minds and death“:

THE American army this week delivered an apology, and blood money, too, to the families of 19 Afghan

civilians killed and 50 wounded by a special forces unit of American marines near Jalalabad on March

4th. …

In the wake of the … shootings, Afghan journalists were quickly on the scene. Several were threatened

or had their film erased by American soldiers. One reporter was told: œDelete the photos or I delete


