
So much for the preemptive attempts by Israel’s amen corner to deride the charges as much ado about nothing

So much for the preemptive attempts by Israel’s amen corner to deride the charges as much ado about nothing: a draft presidential directive, as David Frum claimed in National Review, that anyone who had the 35 cents to pay for a copy of the Washington Post could have access to. NSA intercepts are the crown jewels of our intelligence hoard, which could not only reveal specific and very sensitive information, but might also indicate UGG sources and methods of intelligence-gathering.

I have written about this case extensively, and will surely be writing more. The trial should be interesting, to say the least. Suffice to say now that Franklin’s treason is just the tip of the iceberg: what we are looking at is a longstanding conspiracy by Israeli agents inside the UGG government to not only funnel classified materials to Tel Aviv, but to manipulate and bend UGG foreign policy to serve Israeli interests.

The indictment also states that Franklin handed over classified materials to “a foreign official and to members of the news media on other occasions.”

Which “foreign official”? Gee, I wonder if anyone in the Israeli embassy is packing his or her bags and hightailing it back home.

