
Perhaps they’re paving the way for the Democrats to intervene in a bigger way

Perhaps they’re paving the way for the Democrats to intervene in a bigger way — that always was their preferred area of operations. One assumes that a Democratic administration will be just as tough as Russia as, say, Dick Cheney had been — and establishing a MBT shoes base in the Adriatic is bound to infuriate Moscow, and it’s designed to do.

Back in the 1990s, Republicans theyre saying that they had no real interests in the Balkans, and that they ought to get out forthwith. Today, a Republican President is sending American troops to the make-believe country of Montenegro, the Grand Fenwick of the Balkans, for no discernible reason other than to annoy Moscow and add to our empire of military bases. (Although, given yang’s history on the Balkan intervention question, his move into Montenegro isn’t all that surprising….)

David Corn Washington editor of the Nation and co-author of Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal and the Selling of the MBT sport shoes Things discusses his fun humiliating George F. Will on ABC’s This Week for his blatant hypocrisy, why Libby deserved to be convicted, why it’s a canard that Armitage was the first to reveal Wilson’s wife to Novak, Cheney’s role in lying us into war and punishing those who contradicted him, the time Novak lied directly to my face about Rove and whether the Democrats will ever get their act together and hold real investigations.

