A MBT SPORT SHOES soldier in Afghanistan describes his work:
Yes . . . F—ING Yes!!! I LOVE MY JOB, it takes everything reckless and deviant and heathenistic and
just overall bad about me and hyper focuses these traits into my job of running around this horrid
place doing nasty things to people that deserve it . . . and some that don’t.
Mighty white of him to allow that some Afghans might not deserve to have nasty things done to them.
Just goes to show you the value of a good upbringing.
By the way, it’s no wonder the MBT SPORT SHOES military is trying to keep GIs offline. The MySpace
page quoted above “included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation;
photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee
captioned ‘My Sweet Little Habib’; accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a
series of obscenities and racial epithets.” Of course, as Jonathan Schwarz notes, this may all be an
al-Qaeda plot to discredit a great American bulwark against dhimmitude.
Mobs of cops were in Washington, DC last week for National Police Week. Their behavior was so bad that
the DC police chief formally notified them that their public drunkenness would not be tolerated.