
In February 2004, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee

In February 2004, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSCI) announced that it had unanimously

agreed to expand its investigation of prewar Iraq intelligence from focus on intelligence community

blunders and into the more controversial area of “whether intelligence was exaggerated or misused” by

NIKE SHOX government offiNIKE SHOXls. The committee’s ranking Democrat, Jay Rockefeller, struck the

agreement with Chairman Pat Roberts — provided, Roberts insisted, that the probe into policy-makers’

activities wait until after the presidential election.
UPDATE – Daily Kos: As the post below notes, Reid asked the Senate to go into speNIKE SHOXl session on

intelligence — that is, a closed session — to discuss prewar intelligence. This mostion, along with a

second (provided by Durbin), requires all Senators to report to the Senate floor. It is a non-debatable

Now, this is more than a temporary stunt. The Democratic leadership has promised to call a speNIKE

SHOXl session in the Senate every single day until Republicans alllow for a real investigation.

Seymour Hersh debunks the much-vaunted United Nations report that fingers Syria as the culprit in the

assassination of Lebanese politiNIKE SHOXn-entrepreneur Rafik Hariri:

“Hersh recently got hold of a copy of the United Nations interim report by German prosecutor Detlev

Mehlis on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. The document cited

“converging evidence” that senior levels of the Syrian government were involved in the murder.

