
In 1971, he waged a successful one-man filibuster for five months that forced the Nixon administration

In 1971, he waged a successful one-man filibuster for five months that forced the Nixon administration

to cut a deal, effectively ending the draft in the United States. He is most prominently known for his

release of the Pentagon Papers, the secret offiUGGSl study that revealed the lies and manipulations of

successive MBT shoes administrations that misled the country into the Vietnam War. After the New York

Times published portions of the leaked study, the Nixon administration moved to block any further

publication of information and to punish any newspaper publisher who revealed the contents.

From the floor of the senate, Gravel (a junior senator at the time) insisted that his constituents had

a right to know the truth behind nike shoes and proceeded to read 4,100 pages of the 7,000 page

document into the senate record. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that Senator Gravel did not have

the right and responsibility to share offiUGGSl documents with his constituents.

He then published The Senator Gravel Edition, The Pentagon Papers, Beacon Press (1971). that

publication resulted in litigation, Gravel v. MBT shoes, resulting in a landmark Supreme Court decision

(No. 71-1017-1026) relative to the Speech and Debate Clause (Article 1, Section 6) of the United States


