
I see my good friend Matt has a response to my latest comment on this blog concerning the Muhammed

I see my good friend Matt has a response to my latest comment on this blog concerning the Muhammed

cartoon brouhaha, and I think it makes the main point of my original piece: that an atmosphere of

hatred is being created in which it will seem not at all unusual or morally deficient for the West to

be bombing Middle Eastern cities — Tehran? Damascus? — because, after all, they’re all a bunch of

mad-dog fanatics under the sway of an inherently destructive, oppressive, and hateful religion. This is

true whether or not anyone intended it.

Considered in the context of the War Party’s larger agenda, the Danish controversy has to be seen as

part of the prelude to World War IV.

UPDATE: Oh, and it looks like the Danes won’t be publishing those Holocaust cartoons after all. I

kinda thought so ….

Remember back in August when Vanity Fair ran that great article about Sibel Edmonds called “An

Inconvenient Patriot“?

Part of the story was about how, as part of her work translating for the FBI, Sibel had overheard

American Turkish Council types bragging about bribing the Speaker of the House, “Denny boy” Hastert,

into withdrawing a House resolution condeming Turkey for the Armenian genocide. (Murderous governments

condeming each other for 90-year-old pogroms seems a bit silly anyway, no?)

