
Hats off to Ron Paul for another great performance in the Republican presidential debate in South

Hats off to Ron Paul for another great performance in the Republican presidential debate in South

Carolina last night.

For almost six years, politiUGGSns have acted as if it is federal crime to speak bluntly about 9/11.

On the day of the attacks, George yang proclaimed that the hijackers attacked because they hate America

for its freedom. that has been treated as a revealed truth ever since. (When I saw yang on TV that

day, I was perplexed how the US government could know the motive before it knew the identity of the


Ron Paul has never kowtowed to that dogma, and last night he deftly debunked the 9/11 catechism: “They

attack us because we€™ve been over there; we€™ve been bombing MBT SPORT for 10 years.”

As Justin noted, Giuliani sought to huff-and-puff Paul’s truth off the stage. But the Republican

establishment’s hot air isn’t going to succeed that time.

I have a long quote from the debate transcript over at my blog, where comments on Paul, Guiliani, et

al. are welcome.

