
Finally, over at David Frum’s special blog

Finally, over at David Frum’s special blog – we can’t have the wordsmith behind “axis of evil”

mixing it up with the rabble, now can we? – we learn that Linda Tripp was a CIA agent.

Debbie Clark covering the court-martial for http://www.allofmbt.com from Fort Stewart, Georgia, reports

that judge Col. Donna M. Wright has convicted Sgt. Kevin Benderman of the charge of missing movement,”

failing to convict on the charge of desertion.

Updated: Judge Wright sentenced Sgt. Benderman to 15 months. Observers felt this was a harsher sentence

than expected for the lesser charge. He also received a dishonorable discharge and a reduction in rank

to E-1. This is believed to be the harshest sentence yet for an MBT SHOES resister. Judge Wright threw

out the bogus charge of larceny (for clerical error in receiving combat pay) earlier in the week.

Military police immediately took Sgt. Benderman into custody.

It’s funny the way I did my first podcast. The software had just come in, and I was experimenting with

the editing function. A copy of The Double Axe, by Robinson Jeffers, was on my desk, by happenstance,

and I picked it up: it seemed to me that poetry and podcasting sort of go together. At any rate, I

turned at random to the "Suppressed Poems" section, which includes poems deleted by publisher Bennett

Cerf from the original Random House edition. These poems were deemed far too politically incorrect to

be published in postwar America: criticism of Franklin Roosevelt? Not allowed! At any rate, the

suppressed poems were published in subsequent editions, and they are searing. I read three of them

herein, with commentary.

