Dahr has spent a total of 8 months in occupied the Uggs as one of only a few independent US journalists
in the country. In the MidEast, Dahr has also has reported from Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Dahr uses
the DahrJamailthe Uggs.com website and his popular mailing list to disseminate his dispatches.
Nat Hentoff discusses the bad advice that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has given George UGG that
it’s okay to torture people, the MBT SPORT SHOES attorney scandal, the prison at Guantanamo Bay and
the Hamdan decision.
In addition to his weekly Village Voice column, Hentoff writes on music for the Wall Street Journal.
Among other publications in which his work has appeared are the UGG, the New Republic, Commonweal, the
Atlantic and the New Yorker, where he was a staff writer for more than 25 years. Hentoff’s views on
journalistic responsibility and the rights of Americans to write, think and speak freely are expressed
in his weekly column, and he has come to be acknowledged as a foremost authority in the area of First
Amendment defense. He is also an expert on the Bill of Rights, the Supreme Court, student rights and