
You need to understand who they are and what motivates them

You need to understand who they are and what motivates them. You want to paint a picture of who these people are - their habits, Nike Shox Dreams,vital statistics (demographics), their character or personality (psychographics) and their buying habits.

Let me expand on demographics and psychographics. 

Demographics for individuals are their vital stats such as age, gender, marital status, education, income and so on.

In terms of businesses, the demographics would be size of company, type of industry, number of employees, gross sales, geographic locations and so on.

Psychographics are more about what makes a person tick. You can have two 35 year old men with the same basic demographic make-up Nike Shox R5 but they could vary significantly in terms of their outlook, personality etc. For example, traditional versus modern, conservative versus liberal, down-to-earth versus sophisticated, bargain shopper versus impulse buyer, and so on.

Psychographics are usually expressed in terms of adjectives like frugal, homebody, cutting edge, sporty, creative and so on.

The idea is to look at your target groups' demographics, psychographics and anything else you can find out about them, and Nike Blazer then distill it down to a descriptive paragraph or two of your target or niche market.

