
When I check out from my hotel

When I check out from my hotel, I request to have a copy of my bill emailed to me. I forward that email to my bookkeeper immediately upon receipt. That takes care of my hotel receipt.

With my airfare and hotel receipt, MBT Shoes Cheap I have the receipts for the majority of my actual expenses. But most of the receipts from my travel come from the other expenses, like meals, cab fare, cash tips. Here is how I tackle those receipts.

*Rule #2*

Pack 2 Envelopes

Part of my packing for a business trip includes packing 2 envelopes in my carry on bag. The first envelope I label with my destination, travel dates and "Meals." The other envelope I label with my destination, travel dates and "Other." Any time I get a receipt from a meal, it goes in the "Meal" envelope. Any time I get any other receipt, I put it in the "Other" envelope. After my trip, I give the envelopes to my bookkeeper to record my travel expenses.

It's such a simple system, but it works!

You may be wondering why I separate my meal receipts. There are 2 reasons I do this.

First, with my meal expenses separated, it makes it easier for my bookkeeper to code the expenses properly. My meal expenses are only 50% deductible, but the rest of my business travel is 100% deductible. Separating the  MBT Chapa Shoes,ensure that the expenses get coded to separate accounts so only my meals are subject to the 50% limit.

