
One thing that Gina Gaudio-Grave

One thing that Gina Gaudio-Graves taught me is the importance of passion. If you think about it, why would you ever start something or do something for a prolonged period of time if you are not passionate about it. Actually that reminds me of an earlier article in which I recalled a cheap designer sunglasses sentence Henry Gold said not too long ago reciting the definition of insanity. Remember, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. What we really want to do is spending time on the things we are really passionate about. Then these things will not appear to be work or chores but something we really enjoy and don't mind to use our valuable time for.

The final part of a formula for success is called association. You can also call it networking. Everybody these days is talking about it and it really makes a difference. Whether you are a member at LinkedIn, Plaxo, MySpace, Xing, or other networks, it is important to be connected if you want to become successful. Kevin Nations is one of the foremost networkers in the Miu Miu Sunglasses, United States and he does everything he can to get peoples contact info and then stay in touch with them.

Taken these aspects together, what are the 4 components of success?

1. Passion

2. Talent

3. Action

4. Association/Networking

When you put it in a formula, what you get is this:

P + T x A2 = SUCCESS

All you need to do is take it and go out and apply it. Take your passion and apply your talent to it. If you are passionate about it, you are probably already talented in it, or can become a great talent quickly. Then you take massive action and throw in lots of networking with everybody you can, and you can't avoid success. If you use the positive energy I always recommend, and you will feel when you do something you are passionate about, you will become an attraction for others.

