
I've been asked if there's ever one time

I've been asked if there's ever one time that's better than another for a career change, and the simplest answer I have is, "When you're ready for it."

It sounds like a bit of a flip answer, but I assure you, it's anything but. There's never one time that's better than another. Too many variables for too many individual situations make it impossible to pick just one moment.

And what's more, until you're truly ready for it, you're not going to be "into it," so to speak. You won't have the MBT Sport 2 passion, the drive, the interest in finding the perfect new position - or at least, the next step in the right direction.

Now, before you're ready for it, I'll then add, get your executive resume in order. Because when you decide you're ready for that job search, if you don't have your resume up to speed, you'll be adding a delay to your desire to change - and that's universally frustrating.

