
Next, compare this cost to other mediums

Next, compare this cost to other mediums, such as coupon books and direct mail. As long as the medium reaches your target market, you can make some better marketing decisions.

I cannot tell you which form of advertising to use since we all have different businesses, target audiences, and marketing style. However, instead of just looking at other advertisements to determine where you should put in your ad, remember your target audience. What will attract them to your ad?

Remember, prospects do not care what your name is. Therefore, do not put it at the top of your ad; instead, put it at the MBT Sapatu bottom with all of your contact information and logo. They will have specific "Hot Buttons" that they care about and that you need to address those in your heading.

These rules apply to most print advertising as well as TV and radio. Of course you need to grab the reader, viewer and/or listener's attention; however, do not try to do it with your name unless you're McDonald's and it's lunchtime. Identifying your customer's "Hot Buttons" is the key to creating a more effective ad. Remember, you only have 1.5 - 3 seconds to grab someone's attention in any medium. How are you doing with your advertising?

Another idea you can use to catch the prospect's attention is to consider using reverse text if you cannot afford color print. Try using big bold headings to grab their attention to key areas within the advertisement.

Do you know how many different yellow page books there are that cover your area? There are probably at least 3-4 different companies, MBT Sapatu Shoes not to mention all the various geographical areas each of them cover. Everyone in your area will typically receive them all. Which of those should you select to advertise in? Many people will chose the cheapest; this is WRONG.

